Take care of securing your confidential information and compliance with GDPR regulations

Take care of securing your confidential information and compliance with GDPR regulations

Do you want to ensure data security in a non-production environment?


The test or developer environment is one of those parts of a company where it’s the easiest for data leaks to occur. They can be caused by undiagnosed code errors, an unreliable employee or collaborator taking part in a project, or placing the environment outside of the organization’s security zone. Taking advantage of the data by unauthorized persons can expose an organization to economic loss or consequences associated with GDPR.

Do you want to make sure the right to be forgotten is exercised, without investing in making changes to your organization’s domain-specific systems?


An outside tool allowing the implementation of a uniform policy regarding the deletion of client data is a cheaper alternative, capable of satisfying one of the basic GDPR requirements. In addition to that, you won’t have to worry that exercising the right to be forgotten would cause an irreversible loss of valuable data regarding client behavior.

Learn more about Soflab GALL, our new solution allowing for data anonymization in a non-production environment and improving the company’s compliance with GDPR requirements.

Prevent the loss of confidential data

Anonymize or pseudonymize large volumes of data quickly and easily

Exercise the right to be forgotten without losing information about client behavior

Ensure compliance with GDPR

What is Soflab GALL?

Soflab GALL (Global Anonymisation Linked Loader) was created using the experience of our team, who carried out many projects related to comprehensive testing of environments as well as deployments in the domain of Business Intelligence.

This solution enables programming and testing teams to use databases containing credible information that are secure thanks to anonymization while maintaining their consistency. It also allows for pseudonymization and exercising the right to be forgotten in non-production environments.

The main features of Soflab GALL

Anonymizing confidential data on demand while maintaining its consistency

Soflab GALL replaces selected real data with synthetic data with consistent and credible values. Its consistency is maintained in terms both technical (preserving the referential integrity of anonymized bases) and content-related (the integrity of data between systems of the anonymized environment, as well as mapping business rules that stem from systems, e.g. a person’s national identification number with regard to their date of birth). Configuring data anonymization rules is conducted on the basis of Polish algorithms, e.g. the PESEL number (Polish: Powszechny Elektroniczny System Ewidencji Ludności, Universal Electronic System for Registration of the Population).

Enabling the implementation of multiple courses (stages) of anonymization

Soflab GALL was created in such a way to make the anonymization process: repetitive – after every repetition the anonymization process will yield different results while preserving data consistency divisible into stages that are deployed independently. A pause between particular stages can be scheduled, e.g. In order to prepare test environments for further domain-specific systems or to analyze the sensitivity of another packet of data.

Enabling the augmentation of output data volume

This solution allows for parameterized duplication of input data while preserving data consistency and creating new data simultaneously, through anonymization. For example, starting from one input client, it is possible to create multiple output clients among whom, by applying randomization mechanisms, each will have a different last name.

Enabling the anonymization or pseudonymization of any database or fragments thereof

The tool enables an efficient and scalable data anonymization. The range of data that will be used in the anonymization process is determined during the process of deployment of the solution.

Exercising the right to be forgotten in accordance with the established policy

After defining the rules of data deletion for selected domain-specific systems, Soflab GALL ensures a continuous and fully automatic implementation of the rules in those systems.

An open architecture

Soflab GALL can be easily adapted to the environment of an organization and the solutions in place. The solution can carry out the anonymization process using CSV files containing, for example, the listed content of spreadsheets from the system or systems intended to be anonymized. It can also use a direct connection to databases that are based on motors for which there is a JDBC driver or a Python connector available. Choosing a supply model is an element of a data anonymization strategy.
How to use Soflab GALL?

Contact us

and request a tool presentation.

We will suggest a deployment

based on an analysis regarding the company’s environment, size, the complexity of its bases and the amount of identified confidential data.

Why Soflab?


We will arrange an offer adapted to your needs.


We combine the expertise in the domains of Quality Assurance and Business Intelligence so that the data gathered in your organization are used in an efficient and secure way.


As part of our services we offer an elaboration of the range of implementation, the installation and configuration of Soflab GALL as well as training for users.

Additional services can be included within the scope of the deployment of an anonymizing packet, in particular concerning the adaptation of tools to organizational needs (adjusting the authorization method, layout, terminology etc.).