API Testing

Rest api, Soap – Soflabs technical approach is achieved by utilising Postman, SoapUI, JMeter and Tosca solutions.

Integration, performance, and security automated testing will ensure stability, operational reliability, smooth data exchange and scalability.

We have been assisting companies to optimise their testing processes for the past fifteen years. Soflab specialises in delivering and implementing professionally prepared testing programs that reduce risk enabling companies to develop and grow their businesses more efficiently.

Increased Profitability and Efficiency

  • By using Soflabs API testing methodologies, organisations can reduce the number of manual tests required.
  • This can save time and costs as the quality assurance process is more efficient and streamlined.
  • By focusing on Soflabs innovative technical approach which detects defects at the earliest opportunity improving the efficiency of testing.
  • Soflabs solutions allow the optimisation of testing costs and improves the quality of the software.
  • By investing in Soflabs API integration testing, clients utilise automation which delivers constant quality monitoring.
  • Therefore, automation makes business processes across diverse applications and technologies more efficient and reliable.

 API Testing Benefits

Optimize testing time

Early defect detection

Reduce test costs

Automation enabled

Stress and Performance testing

Uncover security gaps

Why Testing API with Soflab?

  • Experience – over 15 years in software testing service.
  • 200+ testing professionals and experts
  • Practice based original methodology in line with international standards such as ISO and ISTQB.
  • Proficiency in tools such as Postman, SoapUI, Apache JMeter, Cypress, Selenium, Tosca, etc.
  • Range of projects across a variety of sectors, including telecommunication, finance, insurance, media, energy, and public administration.
  • Soflab assure quality for CEZ products providing confidence in e-prescriptions, e-referrals and IKP (online patient account).

Types of API Testing Soflab Performs

Automated API testing – DevOps pipeline integration

  • Frequently repeated manual testing can be automated saving time and cost by streamlining the quality assurance process.
  • However, this is not the only advantage of Soflabs solution as the tests can be performed remotely, and their operation can be set to operate at any time.
  • In addition, automatic testing reduces the risk of mistakes as a result of routine or fatigue.
  • The biggest advantage is compliance with the practice and philosophy of DevOps CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery or Deployment).
  • When API automated test scripts are attached to a continuous integration server, they become regression tests.


API Performance Testing

  • API performance testing consists of creating a load and checking the system in terms of response times and resource consumption.
  • Manual execution of this type of test is exceedingly difficult to achieve.
  • Therefore, automated tests are the most preferred option for clients.
  • Performance testing using APIs is one of the simpler methods that do not require specialised “frameworks” or writing advanced scripts.

API Security Testing Security testing is designed to uncover vulnerabilities and identify threats or security issues. Authorised and fully controlled security breach attempts reveal non-attack-resistant spots. The test covers areas such as:
    1. User authorisation.
    2. Access control.
    3. Roles and permissions.
A critical issue is the verification of safety at the earliest stage of production at the level of unit, integration, and system tests. This action increases the effectiveness of the testing phase.

API Integration Testing

Integration testing is designed to confirm effective communication between components. It is performed at the message layer of the app so it can be implemented during the early stage of software development. Usually, at this stage, it is not possible to perform tests using the GUI, which may not be ready. Testing API integration is the most popular method and is currently used by experienced test teams.

API Testing Plan

System architecture and specification, data model, and API message format study

  • Design test strategy, plan document, list of endpoints, and verification overview.
  • Select relevant testing tools that are appropriate for each client’s project.
  • Create a test environment and configure the appropriate testing tools.
  • Test data preparation – volume, formats, and structure.
  • Send a number of requests for verifying communication between endpoints.
  • Provide Test Summary Report


  Why Is API Testing Required?

Executing API tests is possible at an early stage of the software development life cycle. Testers can verify modules on the message layer of the app. This approach allows teams to detect and fix bugs earlier which saves time and reduces costs. As a result, the software development process becomes more efficient as the time needed to deliver the completed product or functionality is substantially reduced.

In Agile methodologies, API testing becomes more important, especially where testers are part of the developer’s team. Moreover, this approach enables automation that can be a part of the CI/CD automated software release process. Via API you can also conduct performance testing.

What is “Shift-Left” Testing? 

It is more costly to discover and fix a defect later than earlier in the process. According to Tatyana Sidorova of ScienceSoft “..nearly 60% of all software defects emerge during the requirements phase, about 30% – during the design phase, and 10% – during development”. So, it is logical to put QA activities closer to the beginning of the delivery pipeline by “shifting them to the left”. API testing perfectly fits with this concept.


However, this does require technical competencies and skills that business teams usually do not possess. This testing regimen is much more complex than regular UAT tests performed on the client side. The conduct of manual technical tests also requires expert knowledge of the appropriate test tools. Therefore, it is necessary to retain experienced and qualified testers to deliver the best outcomes.


Soflab Technology provides a full range of API testing services to assist organisation take a shift left approach.

Why Soflab?

know-how based on many projects in various industries

a team of competent experts

ready-made, proven, practice-based testing procedures

experience and selection of appropriate technologies and tools

our own methodology of Soflab Test Approach tests

our own Testlab with devices for testing mobile applications

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