Mobile application testing

Mobile solutions are created for Clients, thus, each solution of this type should be thoroughly checked for performance, communication with API, functionality and usability. The more detailed and thorough the tests are, the higher the certainty that the app shall not cause any problems to the end user.
Soflab specialists constantly follow the mobile technologies market which allows them to advise on the most optimal choice of both efficient devices and services. We always rely on current usage statistics, forecasts, market practices, and experience while planning and delivering services.
Having Mobile Testing Laboratory at our disposal, with over 100 devices with various specifications, allows us to start work on a short notice.


  • Ensuring satisfaction to the end user
  • Gathering opinions on user experience before operational implementation
  • Recommendations for usability improvement (UX)
  • Reliable performance tests
  • Concurrent automated regression on multiple devices and operational system versions


  • AQuA-based usability tests
  • UX testing with users
  • Multiplatform automated testing
  • Mobile app security tests
  • Performance testing with network parameters emulation
  • Mobile app and corporate systems integration testing