Artykuły z TAGami:

Articles with TAG:

Manual or automated generation of the test data?

Manual or automated generation of the test data?

Certainly, the main factor determining the easiest ways of obtaining the needed test data is the type of data we need. Simple data, such as a login or password, may be generated manually and it is a relatively simple method of providing the variables required for the application testing. In the cases when we need a lot of varied data, it may be generated automatically or fed from a database of readily available data sets.

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Various types and characteristics of non-production environments

Various types and characteristics of non-production environments

In today’s dynamic world of software technologies, both development and maintenance of the high-quality applications and systems is vital for business. To achieve this, it is necessary to provide various types of non-production environments to support the developers’, testers’ and other specialists’ work on the applications in secure and well-controlled conditions.

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